dilluns, 12 d’abril del 2010

2ndF/2ndG Thursday 15th/Fri 16th April 2010

Holidays are over, so it's time to continue with our sessions. We have two months to finish this course, so do your best.
First, I want you to finish the activities and exercises of the last session you didn't have time to do before holidays.
Next, you can go to this web . Select unit five help-- and do these exercises:
  • PAST SIMPLE: exercises 1,2,3,4, 6( write 5 questions with their answers in your notebook),7,9.
  • PREPOSITIONS. PLACE: Exerc. 1,2,3. MOVEMENT: Exerc.1,4,5. TIME: EXERC. 1,2,4,5.
  • VOCABULARY: Exercises 1,2 (listening exercise), 5,6.
  • Next, go to the section of the units in the same web(. Click on the unit 5 number and choose one of the games: crossword, wordsearch or game.

To finish, have a look at the web which has been considered the best, the most original, in internet by experts. Click here. Get ready to be amazed!
Write in your notebook an opinion about it in three lines.
That's all for today. See you next week.

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