diumenge, 16 de maig del 2010

4th B eso, Monday 17th May 2010

Today I will give you work for the first 30 minutes and then you can finish your web projects ( reading book)

  • First, we'll start practising TRANSLATION for the exam. Try with these sentences. Write them in your notebook as you keep them as an example for the next exam:

a) Ella estava preparant el sopar quan jo vaig arribar a casa.

b) Jo mai he viatjat a Sudamèrica. Si tengués molts diners, hi aniria.

c) Aniràs a la festa d'en Toni el dissabte que ve?

d) La meva germana no és tan treballadora com jo; ella és més vaga que jo.

e) Em vaig casar fa dos anys .

f) Si em deixes diners, te'ls tornaré la setmana que ve.

g) She's such a honest person that she can't lie.

h) When did you last go to the cinema?

i) Famine is a serious problem in many Third World countries.

j) I think Mallorca will have a lot of pollution in the next future.

  • Next, we'll continue with PASSIVE VOICE. If you didn't do the exercises on the passive last week, do them now. Write some examples on the explanation. If you did them, do these activities: 1 ( copy one example of passive in present, past, present perfect, future),

2 (present), 3 (past), 4 ( various tenses)

  • Now, is time for you to do your internet project (reading book) or ask me for some doubs about it. You have to click here...

  • If you have finished everything, you can choose one of these activities: 1 ( The big Challenge) or this one ( create your own comic about Gardfield. This is a very motivating activity).

That's all for today. See you next week. Remember to finish your reading book activities this week.

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