dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2010

Wednesday 27th nov 3rG/ Thursday 28th Nov 3rF

Today you must pay attention to the oral exam if you have to do it.You have also to use your notebook for some of today's activities. Concentrate on the activities and don't disturb your classmates, please:

Instructions for today: First, I advise you to check the previous weeks' on-line lessons to complete your notebook with the activities of the blog you are supposed to have done in your notebook. Today is the last day to give the notebook to the teacher.
These are the links to the previous lessons in the blog. Click them and check if you need to complete something in your notebook: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

And now these are the activities for today.
Grammar: 1 ( do one of the test at the end of the page. Number 3 is the most difficult, that's good for Solange and Delia), 2,
3 (exercise to practise object pronouns), 4 ( write the text correctly in your notebook)

Grammar exercises for Solange and Delia: 1 (quiz on irregular verbs. It's quite complete), 2 ( super quiz), 3 (a challenge for you! an original crossword. Try to do it!)

Reading comprehension: 1 ( answer the questions in your notebook. Write the date),
2 (complete the text with the words given. You can listen to the text with your headphones)

Videos activities: 1 ( song by Celine Dion. Copy in your notebook four lines of the song that you like and translate them. Copy also six past forms of irregular verbs and write the three forms of the verbs and the meaning into Spanish or Catalan)

2. Look at one of these Mr Bean's stories. Choose the one you prefer. Write two lines in your notebook explaining what happened in the story and if you liked it or not. Click here

1 ( you must play this game with a partner), 2 ( an easy crossword for you to do),

3 ( a silly but motivating game for you: Take that teacher. Try it.)

That's the last blog session of this evaluation. Good luck with your exams.
See you next week.

Friday 26th November 2010 1stD eso

Hi, everybody. First of all this is the link for the ones who have to finish the project of the FAVOURITE STARS. Click here. You have to finish it today.

The ones who have finished must do these activities. Click here. Des de la meva web t'envii a una altra de na Gloria. Ves fent les activitats de repàs dels temes 0,1 i 2 segons el que et faci més falta a tu.Apunta al quadernet les puntuacions.

Quan acabis, els darrers 10 minuts pots triar algun d'aquests jocs si funcionen als ordinadors de l'institut. Ves provant, a veure si algun va bé.
Games: Choose some games for you to play:

1 (sports),
2 (play freaky football)
3 (spin off game for beginners
4 ( Are you a good goalkeeper? Try it.

I aquí acaba la primera avaluació. Fins la setmana que ve.

divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

2nd Bachiller C, Monday 22nd November 2010

First of all, I ask you to finish with the activities you didn't do last week because you had many options and different activities to do. So, click here.
To remember the pronuntiation of the sounds in English click here (these are the examples of the copy I gave to you.
A quiz online now ( odd one out). Try it.

Next, I'm going to give you different activities and some tips and strategies for your writing.

  • Grammar: ( too and enough). Do this exercise on-line: 1 Now try to do this rewriting exercise as the example given: eg. He isn't old enough to go to the disco= he is too young to go to the disco. Do the same with these sentences. Rewrite them with ' enough´ or 'too'. Write them in your notebook:
a) The weather is too bad to go out. b) The test was too difficult for the students to do .
c) He wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. d) The coffee was too hot to drink.

Some more varied grammar exercises: Try a test now. Click here.
And yet another test to do on conditionals. Click here
An exercise with ' I WISH ' sentences now. Click here. Another one for you to practise. Click here.

Vocabulary : 1 ( Do or Make?), 2 (relationships verbs and expressions),
3 ( words often confused),
4 ( crime and punishment vocabulary)
5 (personality adjectives crossword)

  • Writing: tips for doing a good composition. Please, read them carefully and take notes in your workbook if you consider it. Click here
  • Now this is a text with exercises you can do on line. Try it. For you to practise now or at home before next Monday. Click here.

That's all for today. I think this is a very complete lesson .

dijous, 11 de novembre del 2010

3rd G Wednesday 17th Nov./ 3rd F Thursday 18th Nov,

This week we'll start with the oral exam in pairs. Pay attention to the teacher if she calls for you to do it. Do the exercises and follow the instructions. Don't disturb your classmates, please.
  • First, you must do the activities you didn't finish in the last sessions. Remember to write in your notebook what I ask you to do there. I'll mark your notebook next week. Click here to go to the last session.
Next, you can do these activities:
  • 1 ( exercise on question words). copy two questions in your notebook and invent an answer for them.
  • 2 ( short answers).

What do you think of comics? Would you like to create your own comic? Try it!

It's a different activity for you to do. Click here and impress me. Keep it in-alumnat-llengües estrangeres-anglès-3r eso- 3rF o 3rG - ( write your name, surname and comic when you save it) in the computer. It will have an extra mark for the evaluation.

2nd Bachiller C. 15th November 2010

First of all, I want you to follow with last week's activities. Click here.

You can also practise other contents.

  • Grammar: 1, 2 and 3 (quiz on future forms), 4 ( enough and too), 5 ( common mistakes), 6 ( a five questions test. You have different ones to do. Do at least three).

  • Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • Phonetics: continue with the webs you have from the last session. Here's is another one for you to choose. Do this exercise about silent consonants.Another web to practise phonetics. Click here.

  • Writing: 1 (tips to write a composition), 2 (expressions in English. Try it), 3. Take notes in your notebook, it will be useful for you.
That's all for today. I think you have enough to do. Ask your doubts to the teacher.

1stD Friday 12th November 2010

First of all, you must do and finish your mini-project today. Click here to see the models.

Next, have a look at this video. You have to write in the little notebook eight of the verbs that appear in the video and three sentences translated( escriu en el quadernet 8 verbs que surten al video i tres frases traduides al castellà o català)

Another video for you to watch if you prefer this one.

Time to practise on-line exercises: In the exercises, mark your score (puntuació) in the little notebook)
  • Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives: 1, 2, 3 ( this,that...)
  • Present simple affirmative form: 1, 2
  • Personal information: 1 ( Listening. Complete the dialogue)
  • Games activities: 1 (months crossword. Before=abans/after= després), 2 ( days of the week hangman), 3 ( Take that , teacher).
That's all for today. See you next week.

dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010

3rd F/3rdG wednesday and Thursday 10th/11th nov.

  • First of all, finish the activities you didn't do last week. You must do the treasure hunt activities in a paper and give it to the teacher at the end of the class. It will have a mark, so try to do it well.Click here to go to the last session.
  • When you finish click here and practise exercises of the contents in unit 2 on-line. Select the level of 3rd of eso and Extension/extra help. If you want to do a game, click on the unit number. Write down in your notebook the score of the different exercises you do and any comment you want to do.
  • In Unit 2 you have an interesting reading about Bethany Hamilton. Answer these questions about her in the paper .
  • Questions: 1. When and where was she born?
  • 2. What did her parents do?
  • 3. When did she win her first surfing contest?
  • 4. What happened in October 2003?
  • 5. Who will be the characters in the film based on her life this year?
  • You can search information in two websites: click here
  • Find the information here .
  • You can have a look at videos about her clicking here.
  • This video is also impressive:

That's all for today. See you next week.

dimarts, 2 de novembre del 2010

2nd Bachiller C, Monday 8th November 2010

Welcome to a new session today. First of all,a piece of advice, try to take advantage of these on-line sessions, ask the teacher all your doubts and don't waste the time, please. If not, we're going to do the lessons in class.

Now, it's time for you to check grammar:
  • a useful link for you. Click here
  • Verbal tenses revision exercises: 1, 2, 3.
  • Vocabulary: 1, 2,

  • Conditionals
    . 1, 2, 3, 4 (theory and examples on conditionals. Other conjuctions and inversions used.), 5.

  • Phonetics: Let's practise with phonetics.

    www.englishbiz.co.uk/grammar/images/phonetic_alphabet.gif"> Try to do these exercises: 1 (remember the phonetic sounds and symbols), 2 (watch the video-tips) and then start with the unit `the sounds of english´. You can do the five units on vowels.), 3 (exercises for you to do. You can choose from the list given. Good luck!).

1st D Friday 5th Nov./ 1st B Monday 8th Nov. 2010

Els qui heu suspés l'examen, a casa podeu reforçar continguts anant a aquesta web. Cliqueu aquí. Seleccioneu el curs de 1r d'eso i la unitat 1. Vos recoman que practiqueu perqué al segon examen entrarà tot.

It's a new week. Today you are going to do a mini project on -line.
Start an Open office document. Segueix les instruccions. En cas de que estigueu perdent el temps, vos faré copiar gramàtica del llibre.

Follow this model and do the same with at least three stars.( segueix el model i fes el mateix sobre tres persones famoses)

eg. Ricky Martin's birthday is on 24th December. His horoscope sign is Capricorn. His real name is Enrique martín Morales. He's from Puerto Rico. He is 38 years old now. He's got short, brown hair and brown eyes. He is a great singer. His most famous song is `Living la vida loca´.His website is rickymartinmusic.com. He's single. He's got two twin babies.

Chenoa's birthday is on 25th June. She is 35 years old now. Her real name is Maria Laura Corradini Falomir. She is from Argentina, but she lives in Spain. She's a singer from the television programme Operación Triunfo. She's got brown eyes and dark hair. `Todo irá bién´ is a famous song she sings.Her horoscope sign is Cancer.

De cada artista heu de posar el nom, l'edat, la professió, la procedència, algun exemple de cancó, pel.lícula, sèrie on participi, una frase de descripció física, si està casat (married), solter (single), separat (separated), divorciat(divorced), si té fills. Cal afegir una foto també. Opcional: horoscope sign: pisces, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius
. Recordeu : His ( el seu per masculí) / her ( el seu-la seva per femení).

  • Si no voleu fer el treball sobre famosos, el podeu fer sobre vosaltres i alguns membres de la vostra família o amics (en total de vosaltres i dues persones més)

Quan acabeu el document, l'heu de guardar al vostre espai a la web: anomena i desa. Poseu el vostre nom i el títol del treball (vos explicaré cóm) i després copiar el document a : Mi pc---alumnat---departaments---llengües estrangeres---anglès---1st eso---1st D ó 1st B.

  • Aquest treball tendrà nota, així que intenteu fer-ho bé i demaneu tots els dubtes a la professora.

dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010

3rG/3rF Wednesday 3rd/Thursday 4th November 2010

Welcome to a new session. Today we are going to do different exercises and activities.

Grammar: 1 ( negative form past simple), 2 (affirmative form), 3 (choose 5 or 6 of these exercises on regular and irregular verbs. Write your results in your notebook),

Treasure hunt: click here and select one of these treasure hunts:
- The Beatles
- The Simpsons
-Eminem's biography
Write the answers in a piece of paper and give it to the teacher at the end of the session to be marked.

  • Click here , here or here to create a wacky web tale. Copy it in an open office document adding two pictures and a personal comment. Give it to the teacher next week.
  • crossword ( irregular past verbs)
  • games: 1 (memory), 2 (speedword), 3 ( what about geography?. Try this game), 4 ( concentration game), 5 ( quiz on aliens. At least you should guess 3).
That's all for today. See you next week.