diumenge, 5 de maig del 2013

1st Eso B,C. 8th and 9th May 2013

Com que en general, la part de gramàtica a l'examen ha anat fluixa, heu de fer aquests exercicis primer:
  •     General grammar quiz. Click here
  • present simple-present continuous. Click here (copy the mistakes in the little notebook)  and here (Theory)
NEW CONTENTS FOR TODAY (15th and 16th May)

  • animals activities: click here

VOCABULARY.Write in the little notebook 4 names of fruits, 4 vegetable names, 4 meat and fish names and these four words in english(sucre, llet, margarina, oli)
FOOD AND DRINK: FRUITS____ Click here (fruits),  here (memory game on fruits) 
                                    VEGETABLES----- Click here  ,   here  and here
                                    MEAT   AND FISH     --------   Click here
                                    GENERAL FOOD ITEMS-----  Click here (memory)  and here (wordsearch).
                                                                                        Click also here.

COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS.  Click here (do this exercise in the little notebook), here.

CAN/CAN'T:  Click here,  here,  here  and here (do this exercise in the little notebook and translate 4 of the sentences into Catalan or English). Per aquells que els hi costa, Click here

New activities for the week of the 15th and 16th May
Fes els exercicis de Must /Mustn't que tens a la sessió de la PDI. Clica aquí.

Do also these activities on-line:

  •  countable and uncountable nouns: click here and here . Take notes in your little notebook. At least, write one example of each exercise.
  • Must/Mustn't/Can/ Can't. Click here  and here.
  • A game to finish. Trolley dash. Can you do the shopping in the time given? Click here and try.
  • A different game of categories. Click here.
Have a nice session.

DANI;MANOLO;JESUS;KEVIN, MARCOS...podeu fer els exercicis de vocabulari de menjar i també aquestes activitats:
  Click here (segueix les instruccions i fes al quadernet el que se't demana.)

I ara, proveu aquest joc de la roda. Click here.

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